
1 June 2013

Blog post

Finally, my teddy bear is complete! I thought  drawing the main subject (teddy-bear, cushion and the rattan) is tough, but it’s the background that stumped me!Why this background? Looks pretty sad, isn’t it? Well, the subject is ‘Forgotten’. This bear belongs to my daughter who is now 17. So you guess it, it’s no longer her cuddly toy. ‘He’ was chuck away, left on the sofa in her room, which she hardly gives a glance. I have given away most of her toys, barbies for example. Except for this, me, the mom, just could not bear to give ‘him’ away.  To me, it’s sentimental value is too great. It holds lots of sweet memories of my daughter when she was a sweet innocent child. It also reminds me of how time flies.

I will keep it, perhaps, one day, pass it down to her kids. She may not realise it now, but when she’s much older, she will be glad that I kept something from her childhood.

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