Art Exchange is a unique event in the Asian and Europe regions. It is a celebration of culturally diverse arts by artists from various countries.
These exhibition celebrates the rich spectrum of nationalities and culture which populate the local area. Invited artists with various styles of work gathers together in one place, sharing and exchanging ideas and philosophy with talks and workshops.
I am extremely honoured to be amongst the participating artist from my country. There were 49 artists altogether from Australia, Denmark, Germany, United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong, Iran, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Pakistan, Taiwan and Malaysia. And guess what? I am the only one working with colour pencil!
This is the 5th international art exchange exhibition under the curatorship of Taiwan’s esteemed print-making master, Professor Bill Chung(National Taiwan University of Arts) and three established artists, Mr. Ding, Mr. Albert Wu and Mr. Chang of Taiwan.
This exhibition is not only a
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