The much-anticipated journey continues in Langkawi Art Biennale 2016. The all-encompassing theme in this coming event is called the ‘Exploration’. Moving forward with the ‘Migration‘ theme from the 1st biennale, participating artists will settle down and experience Langkawi in-depth. Artists would be exposed to new discoveries of multifaceted cultures and religions, an endless array of local food, varying lifestyle of the inhabitants, and even the tranquil nature of the countryside and natural beaches.
What an experience! To be part of this international art event was pretty surreal for me. This is the first time coloured pencil artwork were included and exhibited along with all other mainstream medium here in Malaysia. It is a huge milestone for coloured pencil art in Malaysia and I hope it will open up a path and opportunities for more colour pencil artists locally and internationally.
First of all, this event is not just an art exhibition, it is more that that. This Art Biennale was held in Langkawi, a beautiful tranquil island in Kedah, north of Malaysia. Mr. Liew Kian Yap of Art Malaysia, the founder of this Biennale, aimed to make this island an international art hub in South East Asia.
Artist from 33 countries were invited and there were about 130 participating local and international artists all together. Apart from exhibiting their artwork, every artists has the opportunity to mingle and get to know the local culture and lifestyle. It is an event of friendship through art.
I had the opportunity to get to know many artists from so many countries i.e. The Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, Nepal, India, Denmark, Norway, Australia, Mauritius, France, Iraq and so many more that I have lost count. We all bonded immediately and language, creed, and nationalities were never a hindrance. Art itself is a universal language

Artists conference/Briefing

Artist friends

Artist friends

My family

My 3 coloured pencil artwork in the event

Presentation of my art work “Impermanence” to The Royal Highness Dr. Tunku Monsor Ibni Almarhom Tunku Kassim. Founder of the Tunku Kassim Foudation (Yayasan Tunku Kassim)
This event proof that art brought people closer no matter who you are and where you are from. To some, there were a bit of difficulties in communications but it was not a barrier at all when we all have something in common.
I cherished those moments and this will definitely be one of my most unforgettable experience in my colour pencil journey.
To know more about Langkawi Art Biennale, please visit
*biennale – a large art exhibition or music festival, usually one held biennially.